Despite being a relatively new capital, Addis Ababa has a wealth of interesting museums and historic sights to visit. These are just a few highlights...
The National Museum of Ethiopia: the oldest museum in Ethiopia, its most famous exhibit is "Lucy", the 3.5 million year old skeleton whose discovery in 1974 demonstrated that bipedal hominids evolved much earlier than previously thought. The museum also holds many other paleontological and archaeological artefacts, as well as ethnographic and modern art displays.
Holy Trinity Cathedral and Museum: built to commemorate Ethiopia's emancipation from the Italian occupation, the cathedral is an important focal point for the Ethiopian Orthodox church. As a place of worship, it is considered second only to the Church of Our Lady Zion in Axum (where the original Ark of the Covenant is believed to be held).
Entoto Mountain and Museum: the site where Menelik II established his capital, Entoto mountain offers excellent views across the Addis Ababa and its surroundings, and a breath of (relatively) fresh air after the hussle and bussle of the city. Visit Menelik II's palace, the churches of St. Mary and Archangel Raguel and the Entoto museum.
The Red Terror Museum: This interesting, yet chilling museum documents the events of the Ethiopian "Red Terror" activities which took place in 1977-8 under the brutal regime of Mengistu Haile Mariam. During this time, an estimated 500,000 people who opposed the regime were killed, with countless others assaulted, injured and mutilated. The museum's motto is "never, ever again".
The mercato: reputedly the largest market in Africa, the mercato is the commercial hub of Addis Ababa. A close-knit grid of streets crammed with stalls, kiosks and shops, you can buy virtually anything here, but be prepared to negotiate!
The Ethnographic Museum: housed in Emperor Haile Salassie's former Palace, this museum is dedicated to preserving the traditional art, languages and cultures of Ethiopia's many ethnic groups.
St George's Cathedral and Museum: following Menelik II's defeat of the Italians at Adowa, he ordered the construction of this cathedral in honour of St George, whose flag he had carried on the battlefield. The cathedral was rebuilt in the early 1920s under Emperor Haile Selassie. St George continues to be considered patron and saviour of the nation. The museum holds many exhibits related to the cultural traditions of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.
Addis Ababa Museum: housed in one of the oldest buildings in the city, which was originally home to one of Menelik II's warlords, this museum charts the history of Addis Ababa from its foundation in 1886, through to the present day.
The Ethiopian National Postal Museum: this quirky museum contains every design of Ethiopian stamp from 1894 to the present day, including many of the artist's original drawings and proofs.
The Zoological Natural History Museum: part of the Natural Sciences department of Addis Ababa University, this museum intends to serve as a reference collection of all animal species of Ethiopia.